
Uvallanne user support

The main feature of Uvallanne is the full support of all characters and diacritics of the Uralic Phonetic Alphabet. The automatic rendering of phonetic diacritics works only on applications, that are capable to interpret all typographical OpeType rules build into Uvallanne.

You will obtain support and advice only, if you are using OpenType aware applications Adobe's InDesign (and other CS applications), Redler's Mellel on Mac OS X, or Classical Text Editor on Windows.

Operating system:

The main language on OS

Application and version

Problem description

Please write here a precise description of problem with Uvallanne. If you have any files concerning the problem, please send them here: tuki[at]jltypes.com.

Yhteystietosi / Contact information

Nimi / Name:*

Yliopisto, tutkimuslaitos tai muu yhteisö / University, reseach center or other institution:

Osoite / Address:

Puhelin / Phone : 

Sähköposti / Email :* 

Täytä ainakin tähdellä (*) merkityt tiedot, muut ovat valinnaisia. / Fill at least fields marked with asterisk (*), other is optional.

Thank you for your information! We'll study the case, and tell you how to solve problem, if you are using supported applications.

If you are using some unsupported applications, you can go to this page and ask to inform you, when the OpenType support of currently unsupported applications will improve so, that advanced OpenType features of Uvallanne will work.